Monday, February 3, 2014

February Goals

There are some key blogs that I love love love to read, and keep an eye out daily for the newest posts. Some are super encouraging or life-giving, some are funny little vacations from my crazy busy life, and others just motivate me or get me excited.

The Tiny Twig is one of those motivating blogs! Every month she writes about her goals for the coming weeks and reviews the goals she set last month, whether or not she was able to accomplish them (I really wanted her to meet Bob Goff for one of her goals last month but she did get a pretty awesome consolation prize!). I think it's a great tool to fight those "did I accomplish ANYTHING this month?" when the dishes are piled high, the carpet is now made of dog hair, and the bedroom smells strongly of baby urine. I will definitely have to hold off my inner drill sergeant and NOT turn these goals into laws.

Deep breath.

Here we go.

February Goals

  • Give gifts. The Spirit has given me some ideas of gifts for some friends and family that I think will greatly encourage their hearts and express how much I love and care for them. Remember what word God gave me for this year? soft. And here He is, just filling my brain with deliciously "soft" things for me to do. God is so crazy, when it rains it pours with His grace and revelations!
  • Read two books. Halfway through On Becoming Babywise by Gary Ezzo (because I heard other parents say "oh ya, our baby sleeps 12 hours...we do Babywise" and I thought "I must have this black magic!") and I just CAN'T put off any longer the Vaccine Book by Dr. Sears because E turns 4 months old Feb 29th (I know, shut the front door, back door, doggie door, all of it) and then we (by we, I mean me) MUST make a decision on which vaccines and when and why (being a mommy can make you crazy. forget therapy for my kids later, i need therapy right now.)
  • Make time for connections. I need those meaningful moments with other women, which means I have to reach out to some friends, get dressed (horrors!), make time, and most importantly be vulnerable. Ick. And yay!
  • Love my husband. This could be listed first because it is my #1 goal for this month. There will be more posts on this later in the month, but I have done a bang up job of wifehood our short 2 years of marriage. Remember that Proverbs woman that drove her husband into the desert because she was such a witch? Ya, me neither.

I am tempted to put "change and wash cloth diapers 934334.29 times" and "hit snooze 5 times before waking up" as goals as well, because I know I can knock those out of the park!

What are some goals that you have for this month? Do you like setting goals or are you more of a "wing it" creative type that actually makes the pins on your Pinterest (I love/hate you)?


  1. Yes, connections! Such work, but so worth it!!! I'm working on improving in this area as well!

  2. I followed your link from the Tiny Twig! I need to make more time for connections too! The largest impediment for me is making time and setting up dates that are not always food related. I hate that I only get to see my friends when food is involved.
